These People Were Caught Red-Handed Trying To Twist The Truth Online

Published on 10/11/2020
These People Were Caught Red Handed Trying To Twist The Truth Online

These People Were Caught Red Handed Trying To Twist The Truth Online

These people might not have stolen money from unsuspecting victims or catfish someone, they did, in fact, lie online. Lucky for us, the wonderful people on the internet were not having any of it and decided to capture the moment for everyone to see.

Advanced Life

Online, people always seem to try and prove that they’re the absolute best couple in the world. They post all kinds of typical ‘couple’ photos, like of their Valentine’s Day presents with captions like “flowers from bae”. It looks like it’s their life’s mission to make their friends and followers as jealous as possible.

Advanced Life

Advanced Life

While some have come to terms with these cringey statuses and posts, others don’t put up with it. This one is the perfect example of that. Oftentimes, couples take pictures of their partners asleep, and this couple decided to take it to the next level. Either the bed bugs really did take the picture, or they are straight-up lying. We’d love to think that bed bugs are advancing, but it seems very unlikely.

Power Of Love

If you happen to be a hopeless romantic, seeing young couples on social media can warm your heart. However, if you’re the type of person who can’t stand the fact that love is in the air, you’ll probably do your best to reject anything that remotely reminds you of a couple’s love.

Power Of Love

Power Of Love

It’s your choice, at the end of the day. While trying to impress his followers, this guy decided to post cute pictures of his ‘beautiful girlfriend’. Of course, having never seen or heard of this girl before, his friends had questions. One even went ahead and did some research by Googling the images. That’s when he caught the man in the act, which made things all the more awkward. Yikes.

Sunshine Selfies

Snapchat happens to be a great place to document all our daily activities and more. This guy couldn’t wait to make all his friends jealous by posting a beach selfie. This picture showcased the white sand, his bright towel, and the sun in all its glory.

Sunshine Selfies

Sunshine Selfies

Only that his sibling was not about to let his brother get away with it. They saw him in the backyard staging the photo, so they wanted to expose him for his lie. They used Snapchat to get back at him. It’s genius.

Oops, My Mistake

There’s a very good chance that there is someone on your social media feed who “accidentally” posted a picture. Or, someone who posts a picture before saying something along the lines of “not sure I like this, might delete”.

Oops, My Mistake

Oops, My Mistake

We can understand why people would post such things, but they have to realize that it’s not possible to accidentally post a picture. Like this person said, there are multiple steps in the process of posting a photo – it’s not that easy.

Reflecting The Truth

As we all know, Mulan wanted her reflection to show who she was inside. However, we have the feeling that this guy had the opposite desire and wanted his reflection to magically disappear. While he thought he posted a great selfie of him “stuck in traffic”, he was clearly not paying much attention.

Reflecting The Truth

Reflecting The Truth

He noticed his jawline more than his sunglasses. The reflection in the lenses clearly shows there is an empty road ahead of the guy. Not one car in sight as far as the eye can see. Marvin obviously was not going to let this go.

New World Record

We know why people tend to exaggerate their whole lives on social media – everyone does it. If a person doesn’t have an interesting life or wants to impress all their followers, it’s easy to come up with a few lies to make things interesting. They just need to hope they won’t get caught.

New World Record

New World Record

The first rule of lying online in that you have to put in the effort to make it realistic. This person tried showing off his athletic skills but didn’t bother doing any research ahead of time. Either that, or he really did set a new world record without realizing it.

To Study Or Not To Study

Any student can tell you all about how studying for finals is one of the worst parts of school. No matter if they love being in high school or college, finals will always take the cake for being the worst part about it all.

To Study Or Not To Study

To Study Or Not To Study

One student said he gave up and wasn’t even going to try studying that year. He even went so far as to post it online saying how he wouldn’t study. He’d just pray the world would end before his tests arrived. He might have been trying to look cool, but someone caught him actually studying and called him out on it where everyone could see.

Good Job!

When you spend time scrolling through social media, you most likely will come across a fair amount of selfies. That’s just the way things are nowadays. This woman clearly was feeling herself when she posted this selfie. However, it’s safe to say her caption didn’t make much sense.

Good Job!

Good Job!

We may not have any insight into her life, we do know that women don’t tend to wake up with perfectly done hair and a full face of makeup. If you do, we’d love to hear just how you manage to do that! For that reason, this selfie was hard to believe. Dan El Superbeasto was not having it. He brought all his sarcasm to the table with this comment.

Cool Story

These days, it seems like pretty much everyone uses social media. With so many profiles and statuses, tweets, and posts, it’s easy for your story to get lost in the crowd. What can you do to stand out more? This guy decided to make something up and it backfired in a big way.

Cool Story

Cool Story

Trying to gain the attention of his followers and more, he created a story in which he ran into Harry Styles at a game. He didn’t stop to think that Harry would see this post, but that’s just the power of the internet. Instead of letting him get away with it, Harry stepped in to expose the lie.

The Truth Always Comes Out

These days, Facebook is full of quizzes and tests you can take for the fun of it and to test your knowledge on all kinds of subjects. This woman couldn’t turn down the chance to test her IQ and couldn’t resist the urge to show off her intelligence to her friends and family.

The Truth Always Comes Out

The Truth Always Comes Out

Of course, she should have checked that the test wouldn’t give her away. That’s exactly what happened. Instead of being impressed by her high IQ, her friends were torn between going along with her blatant lie or calling her out.

Favorite Picture

Everyone has their own favorite way of taking a picture. This boy clearly didn’t like showing his face online too much. Hey, you do you. But, when he posted this picture on social media, he said the sun was in his eyes. No one likes it when that happens, right?

Favorite Picture

Favorite Picture

Because of that, he covered his eyes with his hand. Apparently, it was the sole way to take the photo. One of his followers were quick to realize the crucial mistake in the photo. The boy’s shadow gave his lie away – it was on the wrong side.

All Over The Web

There are some people who will do almost anything for a little attention. It seems like this woman is one of those people. She needed some extra attention that day. Well, she didn’t actually get this cup at Starbucks, but she decided to pretend she did.

All Over The Web

All Over The Web

There’s nothing wrong with a little harmless lie every now and again, right? Well, that is if no one calls you out on the lie. It didn’t take long for this girl’s friends and family to realize that her day wasn’t going the way she claimed it was.

Definitely Not Paris

Ah, Paris. The city of love. In case you don’t know, there is a famous bridge there with a lot of locks on it. The legend says that if a couple puts a lock with their names on the bridge, their love will last forever. This is meant to be a beautiful and romantic gesture for couples to do together.

Definitely Not Paris

Definitely Not Paris

This girl decided to post a photo with a caption describing how much her boyfriend meant to her and how in love she was with him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before someone pointed out that the city in this photo is in fact Sydney, Australia, not Paris.

Fake Taco Bell

If you’ve been living in America for a long enough period of time, you’ve probably eaten at Taco Bell multiple times. People have been raving about the chain for years and it’s even been voted as the best fast-food chain.

Fake Taco Bell

Fake Taco Bell

This guy happened to love Taco Bell so much that he created a fake promotion to get people excited about the possibility of them delivering. However, he was soon shut down by Taco Bell themselves.

Never Read That Book

There’s a high chance most people were required to read the Great Gatsby in high school. With that said, that doesn’t mean everyone has actually read the book like they were supposed to do. Some simply skipped that task.

Never Read That Book

Never Read That Book

For whatever reason, this person decided to talk about how everyone has read this book. However, he quickly exposed himself as a liar when someone quoted the very first line of the book in the comments and they didn’t know what they were talking about.

Covering Up

These days, people have to be very careful with what they post on social media, especially when they’re not honest in the real world. This person obviously didn’t want to go to dinner with someone and made up an excuse to get out of it.

Covering Up

Covering Up

Their excuse was that they had to cover for their boss since their father passed away. Aside from the fact that this person posted about going out to drinks with their husband, their dinner host saw it right before their own boss did and pointed out the lie.

New M.D.

A lot of people out there wish they could call themselves doctors but they simply can’t make it through medical school. Due to this fact, the dream oftentimes remains a dream, never becoming a reality.

New M.D.

New M.D.

This person decided to pretend they attended medical school. That is, until someone noticed that the school they supposedly graduated from was new – a little too new, in fact. The school hadn’t had a graduating class yet.

Bad Photoshop

If this picture is making you a little uneasy and confused, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Swedish influencer, Johanna Olsson, decided to try something new. She has an impressive amount of followers – 532,000 to be exact. She leads an exciting jet-set, high society life.

Bad Photoshop

Bad Photoshop

Well, she went a little too far this time. After a trip to Paris, she posted photos that were obviously… edited, to say the least. She seemed to have taken some liberties with them. In this photo, for instance, she clearly changed the entire background, and people noticed.

Hats Off

There are some people who just have an eye for photography. They can catch the perfect moment, lighting it flawlessly at the best angle. Other people, on the other hand, wish they had this particular skill and instead take credit for someone else’s work when they could simply practice and improve the craft.

Hats Off

Hats Off

The only issue with this photo? The person forgot to crop out the name od the actual photographer who took this photo before claiming it was their own work. We’ll just say this: karma is pretty great.

Caught Red-Handed

This text exchange just might be the beginning of the end for these two. For some unknown reason, Lucy decided to lie about where she was and what she was doing when her boyfriend texted her, checking up on her.

Caught Red Handed

Caught Red Handed

There was a flaw to her otherwise perfect plan: her boyfriend was at the same club she was and caught her in the act. The moral of this story? If you’re going to claim that you’re going to sleep, make sure your boyfriend isn’t standing behind you at the club.

A Good Person

We all know that there are some great people in the world, even if they only bring out their kindness during the holiday season. While some people choose to tip a little extra when they’re out eating, others take it a step further.

A Good Person

A Good Person

This person decided to pretend to tip $100. Only that he wrote it on the customer’s copy of the receipt rather than the merchant’s. We can’t help but wonder what the real tip amount was. For all we know, there might not have been one at all.

Fake Gmail

It’s no secret that there are students who would do just about anything to get out of taking an exam or test. It turns out that some of them will go so far as to create a fake Gmail account in their teacher’s name to send out an email claiming the test is postponed.

Fake Gmail

Fake Gmail

Unfortunately for this person and the rest of their class, the teacher soon caught on to what they were doing and stopped the plan. It looks like their test will take place as scheduled. After all that effort, the plan didn’t even work.

All Around The…

If you haven’t heard of the flat earth movement, consider yourself lucky. But, to catch you up, there’s a conspiracy theory claiming that the earth – you know, the planet we live on – is actually flat and not a sphere.

All Around The...

All Around The…

We feel like we’ve lost IQ points just by typing that out. Well, an account belonging to supporters of the movement posted about how they boast members “all around the globe”. The globe. Sounds about right.

Friendly Skies

Celebrities want to lie sometimes and make themselves look better than they really are online. They’re just like us! You might remember the rapper, Lil’ Bow Wow thanks to his hit single, Bound With Me. Or, you might not.

Friendly Skies

Friendly Skies

Either way, he was on a commercial flight to New York when he posted a photo of a private jet on his social media. Soon enough, he was busted by a person sitting right nearby on his flight. This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

In The Club

In today’s day and age, technology had been a blessing in many different ways. It made communicating with people all around the world instantaneous, which is amazing when you think about it. It allows us to share our lives with millions of people with the click of a button.

In The Club

In The Club

That’s all well and good, but it’s also allowed people to tell outlandish lies and get away with it. At least sometimes. In this case, this girl was busted for not being at the club, as she’d claimed. She’d been watching Modern Family in her pajamas.

Inside A Suitcase

This guy seems to be some kind of internet prankster, looking for his next big trick to wow his fans and followers. Well, he told his followers about his new video in which he smuggled himself onto a plane – inside a suitcase.

Inside A Suitcase

Inside A Suitcase

We all know it’s a ridiculous claim and rather impossible to do these days. However, the fact that the airline itself busted him makes this that much funnier. This might just be our new favorite line: “Nice try, Adam”.

A Thousand Words

We’re sure you’ve heard the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words” once or twice in your life. Online, we have no idea how many words a photo can be worth seeing as they’re recycled over and over again by people all over the world.

A Thousand Words

A Thousand Words

Once you post a photo on a public profile, it’s out for anyone to see. When this magazine wanted to advertise their article on Twitter, they claimed something they couldn’t actually back up. It’s not the first time it’s happened, and it probably won’t be the last. They must not have thought about the possibility that their claim would turn on them, but Rich Froning was not about to let them get away with it.

Library Computer

There are so many people all over the world who have negative things to say about Facebook, and this person is most likely one of them. It called her out on her lie. Throughout the years, people have taken over friends’ profiles, posting hilarious things in their names.

Library Computer

Library Computer

It’s rather common, honestly. However, there are some people who take advantage of this. This person decided to give themselves a small confidence boost with this post. Soon, though, Facebook took the truth away from it. Ouch.

Never Worn

The internet happens to be a great place to seel unwanted items and earn a few extra bucks. While most of the items are used, there are those who order too many items and then sell those brand-new items for a good price.

Never Worn

Never Worn

This guy probably thought he would get the money when he posted these “never been worn” sunglasses to his Facebook. You don’t have to look too closely to see they’re not “in box”, but one person looked even closer, realizing the guy had been wearing the sunglasses in his profile picture.

Caught In The Act

Ordinary people aren’t the only ones to get caught in the act of lying online. Celebrities also find themselves in hot water at times. Sam Smith is now a very famous singer, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t prone to lying once in a while.

Caught In The Act

Caught In The Act

His fans were devastated when he canceled a meet and greet after a Nashville show. Well, they decided to do some digging when that happened. Turns out that the singer decided to blow off his fans to rock out at a local karaoke bar instead. Yikes.

The World Of YouTube

Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to create an entirely fake life online. There are some people who’ve mastered the art of lying online. However, there are those who are not capable of doing so. Ultimately, they get caught in the process.

The World Of YouTube

The World Of YouTube

When this person tried showing the world how they nearly dropped their phone into a cake and baked it, someone else decided to do some research. They didn’t have to work too hard to find out that the real photo was simply taken from someone else online.

Shredding Mountains

Here we have another example of a person trying to tell a very easily disprovable lie online thinking he can get away with it. This guy claims he’d just gotten back from a snowboarding trip to Colorado. He even went so far as to post an impressive and professional-looking photo of himself (sure, buddy) that a friend took.

Shredding Mountains

Shredding Mountains

Unless that friend just so happens to be a person who went back in time to sell this photo to a company making calendars in 2012, he was lying about it. This post was up for just two hours when a person busted him – quite easily.

Nearly Identical

This woman decided to share a side-by-side photo of her and her supposed ‘grandma’ when she was the same age. The resemblance is truly uncanny. Almost too striking to believe if you ask us. That just might be because it isn’t real…

Nearly Identical

Nearly Identical

We have a hard time believing this girl thought a black-and-white filter and a pair of glasses would trick her followers into thinking these were two different people. Perhaps next time she should try editing the photo in a more believable way, or even wear a different outfit.

Favorite Movie

One of the best ways to promote a movie is by getting an endorsement from a famous actor, right? Well, in this case, things didn’t quite turn out the way the studio hoped and planned it would. Things backfired.

Favorite Movie

Favorite Movie

When a site known for reviewing superhero movies said Mark Hamill’s favorite movie was Watchmen, he straight-up called them out on it. He was quick to reply when he saw the tweet by saying that, no, he hadn’t said that.


There’s no doubt that middle school can be hard – especially for those who had to put up with mean bullies. This girl posted a side-by-side photo of her in middle school vs. now. She captioned it by saying “careful who you call ugly in middle school”.



The only issue with this is that a former classmate was quick to call her out on her lie. It turns out that the girl twisted the story slightly. People will do almost anything to get a few likes these days. But hey, at least she wasn’t called ugly.


Throughout the years, the ‘no-makeup’ selfie has caught momentum and gotten popular. There are lots of celebrities and models who’ve been sharing their makeup-free photos to show off their natural beauty.

No Makeup

No Makeup

However, when you post a no-makeup selfie, there is one crucial rule: don’t wear any makeup. Or, don’t make it totally obvious that you’re wearing makeup, as this girl did. Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t long before her friends pointed out that she’s clearly wearing eyeliner. And she then admitted to it.

No Pets Allowed

When you’re selling furniture on social media, it’s a good idea to include an accurate description and a clear picture of the item you’re selling. In this case, this person’s description seems to match the photo. At least, for the most part.

No Pets Allowed

No Pets Allowed

While this person clearly wrote “no pets” in the description, it’s not difficult to notice that there is a cat sitting on said sofa. Maybe they should have double-checked the picture before uploading it to their post.

Hiking In Nature

Hiking is so fun, wouldn’t you say? There’s fresh air, it’s great exercise, and it’s the perfect way to get a good Instagram picture. Seeing this girl’s post, she was taking a scenic hike in the woods somewhere, wouldn’t you say?

Hiking In Nature

Hiking In Nature

She even went ahead and captioned the picture, “Nature is the ultimate healer to all problems.” We can’t help but wonder if it will be able to heal the fact that her sibling exposed her shenanigans by showing her true location – their backyard.

He’s Been Framed

Dogs are so adorable, don’t you agree? Yes, at times, they can be rather destructive. While it’s not too uncommon for someone to share a photo fo their pet looking adorably guilty next to a mess they made, it’s less common when it’s faked. Why would someone post a picture of their pet committing a crime they didn’t commit? For likes?

He's Been Framed

He’s Been Framed

This picture seemed to be too unbelievable. The cushion zipper was obviously opened and the stuffing carefully scattered about the room. We have to admit that really gave the whole thing away for us.

That Isn’t Chicken

This person decided to share a picture of some odd-looking pink goo along with a detailed caption explaining how this is, in fact, how processed frozen chicken looks. People were very grossed out when they saw this, not to mention, shocked.

That Isn't Chicken

That Isn’t Chicken

That is until one user hilariously cleared it all up by uncovering the truth. They posted a photo proving that is actually the Tubbby Custard machine from the kids’ TV show, Teletubbies. This is exactly why no one should trust anything they see online without real sources.
