Here Are Insanely Useful Car Cleaning And Maintenance Hacks

Published on 05/19/2021

If you just returned from a lengthy road trip or drove to work this week, your four-wheeled wagon is probably filthy. And, let’s face it, people rate you based on how tidy your vehicle is. The valet is more inclined to pounce on a new car than a clunker with months of grime layered on it. A clean car is an appealing automobile–and the fast remedy is usually a trip to a pricey car wash. Furthermore, washing the vehicle helps you inspect its appearance and potentially uncover more critical problems until they become a full-fledged disaster. Although most people bite the bullet and go to a $20+ car wash, you can quickly obtain the same skilled cleaning outcomes with simple household products and a little time. Check out these 28 utterly bizarre and insanely useful auto cleaning hacks!


Many people practice affixing stickers on their car’s bumpers or somewhere else in their vehicle. As they outgrow their stickers, they find it difficult to remove them due to the adhesive glue used to bind the sticker to the car’s surface. Some people scratch off the tag, and the color, making the vehicle look unsightly or, worse, need a fresh paint job. So spare yourself the hassle and commitment by using WD-40. What is the best way to use it? Spray some on the adhesive, let it soak for a few minutes, and then peel down! That’s it!

Using WD 40

Using WD 40


Own Washer Fluid

Commercial washer fluid is not cheap. Furthermore, they can include chemicals that are hazardous to both human health and the climate. Instead of purchasing one, you should produce your washer fluid from popular household products. You only need 4 cups of water, two teaspoons of dishwashing detergent, and a tablespoon of baking soda. Combine all of the ingredients in an empty spray bottle and spray away to clear soil and grime from the vehicle. This homemade washer fluid operates on every surface and, since it is raw, it does not harm cloth, leather, or paint.

Own Washer Fluid

Own Washer Fluid